XMAS PARTY | Tom’s Place

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Date(s) - 11/12/2021
7:00 pm - 11:00 pm


Date: 11th December 2021

Location: Tom’s Place – 2 Sheynovo Street (next to Costa)

Time: 19:00 – 23:00 (there’s a chance we might be able to stay longer if we aren’t too noisy)

Food: The club will cover some food – the menu TBD

Drinks: The club will cover some FREE drinks

Annual Awards: ?

Game/Match Registration:

  • Total spaces : 100
  • Registered Players: 18
  • Remaining spaces: 82
  • Squad List :
    • Paul Wright
    • Itay
    • Roscoe
    • Kevin
    • Svetoslav Simeonov
    • Davie Devine
    • Daniel Klukowski
    • Dima
    • John Adam
    • Martin Panov
    • Julian Paul
    • Stefan
    • Grigor
    • Mihai Muntean-Micu
    • Adam Gee
    • oLiVeR
    • Tim Mulder
    • Assen Milushev

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Bookings are closed for this event.

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