11-A-Side Friendly vs Sofia Celtic

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Date(s) - 14/04/2024
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Boyana National Football Base


Hola Nomads!

We’re going to start playing 11-aside games again. And our first opponent will be the youngest football club in Sofia: Sofia Celtic. We are expecting friendly 11-a-side game & some post match drinks.

Further details to follow shortly but get the date in your diary & sign up for the match from now… spaces are limited!

  • Players 1-18 will make the match-day squad
  • Players 19-24 will be back-ups/reserves in case of drop-outs.
  • Kick Off: 13:00 (1pm). Please arrive no later than 12:30 (12:30pm)
  • Location: BOYANA NATIONAL FOOTBALL BASE (click for map)
  • Surface: Artificial
  • Match Fee: BGN 10 per player, club covers the extra
  • Cancellation Deadline: 9pm on Friday. 12th Apr 2024
  • Game/Match Registration:

    • Total spaces : 24
    • Registered Players: 14
    • Remaining spaces: 10
    • Squad List :
      • Dima
      • Itay
      • ivo’o
      • Roscoe
      • Sergio
      • Davie Devine
      • Paul Wright
      • Daniel J
      • Adam Gee
      • Marco
      • Nicolas
      • Harry
      • Svilen Georgiev
      • Austine

    Join this game :

    Bookings are closed for this event.

    10 thoughts on “11-A-Side Friendly vs Sofia Celtic

    1. Anton (Toncho) is a former Nomad, who now lives in London and wants to join. I think we have a rule that players visiting can join games when in town still, but not sure? He can’t register, but asked me to add him as wanting to play and he’s after Piotr 17 and Harry 18 on the list above if he’s invited.

    2. Old members visiting Sofia on holiday will enjoy ‘Honorary Status’, entitling them to membership priority during their stay (maximum 5 games per year). It should also be noted that a round of beers on the account of the visiting ‘Legend’ is customary/tradition! 🙂

    3. Good morning, guys! For those of you playing today, please try to bring the kit as close to the configuration as possible: white t-shirt (mandatory), blue/dark shorts, blue/dark socks. See you at 12:30 on te pitch for warm–up, so we can start at 1pm without delay

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