Saturday game (Mladost)

Date(s) - 27/10/2018
11:00 am - 12:30 pm



* Players 1 to 12 in the list will play. The other ones will be subs.
* Substitutes will be called if one player drops out.
* If you bring a ball or play goalkeeper, please write it.
* If you subscribe and then have to pull out is is up to YOU to inform the next available substitute, and make him confirm.

Paid members always have priority over people who haven’t paid membership fee. Link to updated list of members who paid their 2018 fee: Sofia Nomads – Club Membership 2018

Game/Match Registration:

  • Total spaces : 18
  • Registered Players: 15
  • Remaining spaces: 3
  • Squad List :
    • Daniel Klukowski
    • Svetoslav Simeonov
    • Stefan
    • Vladimir
    • Julian Paul
    • John Adam
    • oLiVeR
    • Gofert
    • Julien BIDAULT
    • Melih
    • Adam Gee
    • Soren Muller
    • Todor Lloris
    • Stavros
    • Svetlomir

Join this game :

Bookings are closed for this event.

3 thoughts on “Saturday game (Mladost)

  1. Guys,
    The guy from the pitch said they needed to rent out the pitches on an hourly basis and offered us an hour from 19.00 till 20.00 for 120 leva, but we decided on 2 hours, so we can play 90 minutes and can also have some warm up time.
    We now have the pitch on Wednesday from 19.00 hrs till 21.00 hrs. We will meet at 19.00 latest to warm up and will start the game no later than 19.15.
    The fee for the extra half hour should be another 60 leva, but we got a slight discount at 40 leva. The total is now 220 leva, which means all players will now pay 12 leva for the game and the club will cover the extra 4 leva. Please can you remember to have a couple of coins with you when you come to the game, thanks.

  2. TEAMS:
    BLUE: John, Julian, Julien, Oliver, Svetoslav, Stefan
    WHITE: Adam, Daniel, Gofert, Melih, Nazhat, Vladimir

    Subs: 1) Soren 2) Todor 3)Stavros 4) Svetlomir

    P.S. If you decide not to play it’s your responsibility to get in touch with the next person on the list and make sure that he confirms. Taking your name off is not enough.

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